Följande har skickats till den som står som administrativt ansvarig för Zoom hos er.
Nedan följer information och rekommendationer från NORDUnet:
Zoom, AI Companion is
now a thing.
In order to align with your account’s data residency preferences,
your AI Companion access has been set to Zoom-Hosted Models Only (ZMO),
which is a setting that limits the models used to provide AI Companion
features to only those that Zoom hosts. When this setting is enabled,
third-party artificial intelligence model providers, including OpenAI
and Anthropic, are not used, as they may process data outside of your
Using AI Companion with ZMO gives you access to many AI Companion
features, but not all of them. To see what AI Companion features are
available to you, go to your admin settings page, and click on AI
Companion to see what features are available for you to enable. ”
Is the important part, in my opinion. Means that we’re only allowed to
use a subset of the AI features, the subset that is hosted by Zoom, in
For the NORDUnet sub account I have locked disabled all the AI Companion
https://eu01web.zoom.us/account/setting?tab=aicompanion) features for
now, until we can get through the material, I would suggest everybody to
do the same until we have more information.
Så, kontentan är att när vi gått igenom White paper för detta efter sommaren så kommer mer information. Tills dess, slå av all AI-funktion via länken ovan och lås för användare.
Trevlig sommar!