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Senaste uppdateringen från NORDUnet om Zoom Cloud Recording


Med vänliga hälsningar,


Peter Häggstrand



Från: Jørgen Qvist <qvist@nordu.net>
Datum: fredag 22 november 2024 09:03

Ämne: [Mediagroup] Zoom on-premise recording issue update 20241122


OBS: Detta mail kommer från en avsändare utanför din organisation.




The final problem, ref. last weeks update, has been resolved and everything is back to normal operation, with 0 recordings being lost this week.


It has also been possible to recover most of the old missing recordings and these have been processed as well.


For now we consider the issue to be resolved. A permanent solution will be deployed later.


Unless something changes this is the last update in the series.



Jørgen Qvist
email: qvist@nordu.net
mobile: +45-31621400


Please read NORDUnets Data Protection Policy - https://nordu.net/privacy-policy/ & Legal Notice - https://nordu.net/legal-notice/



On 16 Nov 2024, at 20.12, Jørgen Qvist <qvist@nordu.net> wrote:




Sorry about the delayed update.


Things are continuing to improve. The changes made last week has uncovered an NFS permission problem on the recording servers that Zoom has been able to reproduce. A fix for this will be deployed over the weekend.


Again, we will monitor this closely,,,


Next update Friday November 22’nd. 



Jørgen Qvist
email: qvist@nordu.net
mobile: +45-31621400


Please read NORDUnets Data Protection Policy - https://nordu.net/privacy-policy/ & Legal Notice - https://nordu.net/legal-notice/