Dear all,


Thank you for your active contributions to the proposal. Looking forward to your continued engagements as there still remain sections to be completed.


Following our last meeting, we decided to meet tomorrow at 11:00 but just to be sure that it gets into your diary, I also send this invitation. Please note that our mailing list is not complete, so please forward to your contacts at the associated partners if their names are not included in our mailing list.


The meeting tomorrow will be at 11:00 at this link:


Best regards,



From: Nasrine Olson
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2023 8:57 PM
Subject: Following today's meeting


Dear all,


Thank you everyone who made it to today’s meeting, for those of you who could not make it, we went over all the outstanding issues that need to be resolved asap.


I have archived some of the unneeded documents from the main folder. The remaining documents in the main folder are:


  1. TO Do list [which is now emptied of older items]
  2. The proposal draft [No links here for this as I will keep updating and replacing it. Always see document 1 in the main folder]
  3. Gantt chart
  4. Qualifications and supervision experience of supervisors [for Myrthe]
  5. Template form for Partner Information
  6. Template for letter of commitment.
  7. Training programme
  8. List of Beneficiaries and Associated partners that are already registered on the portal [please check and if you or your secondments are not listed, please send their PIC numbers to me and Renata.]
  9. Member in the mailing list


From now on, all contributions are to be made in the following files using the “Suggesting” option (rather than editing) so that I can track your changes and add them to the offline master copy.


Documents to be modified:


  1. The proposal draft. Please see all of the sections marked with yellow highlights for additional information needed from you. Also check my comments to see if I have assigned something to you. And generally review and propose improvements.
  2. Gantt chart. All secondments, and other deliverables, events, milestones etc should be put there.
  3. Partner profiles. All associated partners need to make a copy of document 4 (template form for partner information) fill it in and place it the folder “1- partner profiles”.
  4. Letters of commitments. Please see document number 5 for format and once written please put them in the folder “2- Letters of commitment”.


More requests/ comments will appear in the To Do list, please keep an eye on this on daily basis.


I would also like us to meet again a final time on Friday at 11:00 CET, please try to join as best you can. We can use the same link:


Best regards,

