
This is a reminder for all us doctoral students! We have a wonderful opportunity to meet, talk and set aside time for our writing coming up in October. The Swedish LIS Doctoral School Network offers a Writing Retreat in Örebro on the 25-26 October, the programme includes several Shut up & write sessions, time for us to discuss what we need and want as LIS doctoral students, and an option of Spa or Castle tour!

Don´t forget to register, the deadline is this Friday, the 23rd.
Register here:

For more information about the registration, travel arrangements and the programme, have a look at Anna Lundh’s announcement of the Writing Retreat below.

Hope to see you there!
Med vänliga hälsningar,
(Doctoral representative,
The Swedish LIS Doctoral School Network)

Zanna Friberg

PhD Student
Department of ALM | Institutionen för ABM
Uppsala University | Uppsala universitet




Från: Anna Lundh <anna.lundh@hb.se>
Skickat: den 30 augusti 2022 14:14
Till: boi-nationell.forskarskola@lists.sunet.se
Ämne: [Boi-nationell.forskarskola] To all doctoral students: Welcome to the Writing Retreat 25-26 October


Dear all doctoral students,


Welcome to the Swedish LIS Doctoral School Network Writing Retreat on the 25-26 October.


The Writing Retreat will take place at Elite Stora Hotellet in Örebro, just opposite Örebro castle. The retreat will give ample of time for writing, but it will also offer networking opportunities, a discussion with experienced researchers about writing as an LIS scholar, and some time for recreation and fun. You can see a preliminary schedule below.


The Writing Retreat is the first of its kind and has been made possible through the support of the Swedish Library Association.


Please register for the retreat through this form no later than 23 September: https://www.hb.se/en/research/doctoral-education/our-phd-programmes/library-and-information-science/the-swedish-lis-doctoral-school-network/


Please indicate when you will arrive – the programme starts at 9.00 on the 25 October, so you have the option to arrive the night before and have dinner together. Please also indicate if you want to participate in one of the recreational activities (please note that the SPA has limited capacity, so please register early to secure your spot) and if you have any dietary requirements.


Travel arrangements should be made as soon as you have registered. Doctoral students at the University of Borås are asked to organise their travel through Via Egencia. Doctoral students from Uppsala, Lund, and Umeå, please contact Anette Trennedal anette.trennedal@hb.se to organise your travel to and from Örebro.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about the retreat.


Kind regards,



Coordinator of the Swedish LIS Doctoral School Network


033-435 59 91



Preliminary programme for the Swedish LIS Doctoral School Network Writing Retreat


Evening 24 October: Joint dinner for early arrivals at 19.00


25 October


9-9.45                 Shut Up & Write for early arrivals (led by Anna Lundh)

9.45-10              Morning fika

10-10.30            Introduction to the Writing Retreat (led by Anna Lundh)

10.30-11.30      All participants introduce themselves and their thesis topics according to the 2 minute madness principle (led by Anna Lundh, instructions will be sent out closer to the event)

11.30-13            Joint lunch

13-15                  Shut Up & Write + fika (led by Anna Lundh)

15-16                  ”Writing in LIS”, a conversation between Ola Pilerot and Anna Lundh

16-18                  Optional activity:
Spend time in the hotel SPA or join a guided tour of Örebro Castle

19                        Joint dinner


26 October


9-10                    Shut Up & Write (led by Anna Lundh)

10-10.15            Morning fika

10.15–11.30     Doctoral student meeting (led by doctoral student representative Zanna Friberg)

11.30-13            Joint lunch

13-15                  Shut Up & Write (led by Anna Lundh)

15                        Final fika


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