Andrew Gray estimates that at least 60,000 scientific studies (more than 1% of those analyzed in 2023) were written with the help of ChatGPT — a tool launched at the end of 2022 — or similar. “I think extreme cases of someone writing an entire study with ChatGPT are rare,” says Gray, a 41-year-old Scottish librarian. In his opinion, in most cases artificial intelligence is used appropriately to “polish” the text — identify typos or facilitate translation into English — but there is a large gray area, in which some scientists take the assistance of ChatGPT even further, without verifying the results. “Right now it is impossible to know how big this gray area is, because scientific journals do not require authors to declare the use of ChatGPT, there is very little transparency,” he laments.
Gray’s analysis shows that the word “intricate” appeared in 109,000 studies in 2023, more than double the average of 50,000 in previous years. The term “meticulously” went from appearing in about 12,300 studies in 2022 to more than 28,000 in 2023. While instances of “commendable“ rose from 6,500 to almost 12,000.