Call for papers: Libraries in times of war and crisis 

Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues invites submissions for a themed issue on Libraries in times of war and crisis

During recent times libraries have faced many new challenges to their operations in the forms of pandemics, climate change and armed conflicts, notably the Russian invasion of Ukraine. How do libraries and library organizations cope with these severe challenges in a short and more long-term perspective, and how does the international community, including library associations and volunteer networks, respond to the urgent needs expressed by affected institutions?

Alexandria: The Journal of National and International Library and Information Issues welcomes submission of papers on the role of libraries in times of war and crisis, their challenges to promote democracy and literacy in such problematic situations and the resulting support from colleagues, institutions and associations worldwide. The theme of war and crisis could also be widened to include contributions about libraries and civil emergencies, mental health etc. Submissions can be both short communications on a practical level, including accounts of actual development of events, and full articles with a more theoretical approach.

A process of double peer review will be applied. Abstracts are due Friday 18 November 2022 and the full manuscript for selected articles will be due Friday 21 January 2023. The themed issue will be published in 2023. 

Abstracts should be no more than 1,000 words.

Full articles should be between 4,000 and 7,500 words long.
Short communications should be no more than 3,000 words long.
Author guidelines are available at

Alexandria wishes to present the widest possible range of papers relating to the theme, including papers from the perspective of academic libraries, public libraries and other relevant institutions. All submissions make clear their collecting context and we particularly welcome submissions from developing countries.

Queries about the suitability of a topic should be addressed in the first instance to the Journal Editor, Lars Ilshammar ( or (

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