Red states threaten librarians with prison — as blue states work to protect them
But the majority of the bills work the same way. They eliminate long-established exemptions from prosecution for librarians — sometimes teachers and museum employees, too — over obscene material. Almost every state adopted such carve-outs decades ago to ensure schools, museums and libraries could offer accurate information about topics such as sex education.
Removing the exemption means librarians, teachers and museum staffers could face years of imprisonment or tens of thousands in fines for giving out books deemed sexually explicit, obscene or “harmful” to minors. For example, an Arkansas measure passed last year says school and public librarians can be imprisoned for up to six years or fined $10,000 if they hand out obscene or harmful titles.
Jan Szczepański F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora, vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek E-post: