

Här är en inbjudan från IFLA-sektionen LPD - Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities.

Det är call for papers till ett tillfälle att dela erfarenheter av att göra biblioteket tillgängligt och en inkluderande plats för alla användare. 

Sprid gärna! 


Let’s work together! Let’s library for all! 


From 21 to 25 August 2023, the IFLA 'World Library and Information Congress' (WLIC) will take place in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. 

'Let's work together! Let's library!', is the overall theme, a rewarding one that leaves much room for interesting and inspiring interpretations. 

IFLA consists of several divisions, sections and interest groups. These groups regularly organise pre- and post-conferences surrounding the WLIC. 

The 'Libraries Serving Persons with Print Disabilities' (LPD) Standing Committee will host a pre-conference. 

This year's Satellite Conference will take place on 18 and 19 August at Korenbeurs in Schiedam, near Rotterdam. 

The LPD standing committee, KB, Dedicon, Bibliotheekservice Passend Lezen and Luisterpuntbibliotheek are working on the programme. 

The meeting language is English. 

We use the overall WLIC theme and focus on inclusivity:: 

Let’s work together! Let’s library for all! 

The focal point is the integration of library services for persons with print disabilities in the public library. 

To build an interesting programme, we are launching an open call for papers. 

We invite you to share how you are making your library an accessible and inclusive place for all users. How can we all collaborate? We would like to hear in what ways and with which organisations or libraries you cooperate to achieve inclusive library services. 

We are curious to hear your inspiration and ideas, your positive experiences, as well as the pitfalls and obstacles. 


The full call for papers, with guidelines and deadline, can be found at https://2023.ifla.org/cfp-calls-libraries-with-print-disabilities/ 


 Proposals should be sent to lpd-satellite@dedicon.nl. 


Thank you in advance!  


Ellen Follin
Davidshallstorg 7
S-21145 Malmö
+46 768 847 827