Ser i LIBRIS att 15 bibliotek har tidskriften Sustainability i sina kataloger med hänvisning till DOAJ. Tidskriften är utgiven av
förlaget MDPI som BIBSAM som bekant tecknat avtal med.
Retraction Watch skriver att
In 2022, Norway removed Sustainability from its list of journals that researchers get credit for publishing in, and Finland followed suit at the beginning of 2023. In the announcement of its decision, the Finnish Publication Forum wrote:
Sustainability also publishes high-quality articles, but the wide scope, large publication volume and fast publication processes have undermined confidence that the journal’s procedures to ensure scientific quality work reliably down the line. The large variability in quality is partly the result of thousands of special issues that are common also in other MDPI journals
Nu har även Scopus börjat närgranska tidskriften
Elsevier’s Scopus database has paused indexing content from Sustainability, an MDPI journal, while it reevaluates whether to include the title, Retraction Watch has learned.
Other MDPI titles were reevaluated in 2023, and its mathematics journal Axioms is no longer included in Scopus’ nearly 30,000 titles. Clarivate also delisted two MDPI journals, including the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, from its Web of Science index earlier this year, meaning those journals will no longer receive impact factors.
Det är svårt att dela BIBSAM:s glädje över avtalet med MDPI, en paper mill som sätter profiten före kvalitén
Anna Lundén, Acting Department Director, National Library of Sweden says, "We are very pleased with this new publishing agreement between the Swiss Open Access publisher MDPI and participating organizations within the Bibsam Consortium. The agreement includes a ten percent discount on all processing charges for articles by Bibsam corresponding authors. To sign publishing agreements with Open Access publishers is an important step in line with our action plan to open up Swedish research to the world".
En utomordentlig granskning av vetenskapliga tidskrifter görs av Norwegian Register for Scientific journals, Series and Publishers. Finland har inspirerats och
Sverige borde följa efter.
Jan Szczepański
F.d Förste bibliotekarie och chef för f.d Avdelningen för humaniora,
vid f.d. Centralbiblioteket, Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek