Dear Colleagues,


Greetings from Gothenburg!


The 28th Nordic Workshop on Bibliometrics and Research Policy (NWB2023) is scheduled from October 11-13, 2023. The Department of Communication and Learning in Science at the Chalmers University of Technology will host the NWB2023 in Gothenburg, Sweden. This workshop has been a consistent and enduring practice within the bibliometrics community for nearly three decades. It aims to promote the convergence of bibliometric research with research policy, highlight the latest bibliometric research activities from the Nordic region and beyond, and enhance the ties between bibliometric research groups and their PhD students.


Participants who wish to present their research with a Nordic audience and beyond are encouraged to submit a 250-word abstract in the prescribed format. If an abstract is accepted, the authors (at least one) must register for the event and attend the workshop in person. The workshop is open to participants worldwide and will be conducted in English. There is no cost associated with registration; however, participants must cover their travel and accommodation expenses.


Important dates

Submission of abstracts (posters and papers): April 3 – May 19, 2023.
Notifications of acceptance: June 21, 2023.
Registration: June 22 – July 20, 2023.
Nordic Workshop: October 11 – 13, 2023.


More information is available at
Feel free to contact us at:
Follow us at
Hashtag on social media: #nwb2023



Best regards,

On behalf of the organizing committee of the NWB2023


Jakaria Rahman,PhD

Bibliometric Analyst
Division for Information Resources and Scientific Publishing

Dept. of Communication and Learning in Science

Phone:  +46 (0)31 772 6917

ORCID: 0000-0001-7876-4631


Chalmers University of Technology
Hörsalsvägen 2
SE-412 96 Gothenburg, Sweden